AI, ML, and the IoT Mean Hollywood Is Losing the Race for Futuristic Auto-Experience Accolades

It’s the year 2035. Detective Del Spooner auto-cruises through a futuristic tunnel in his spherical, mid-engine sports coupé. Comfortably lounging in his cockpit-like front passenger seat, no steering wheel can be found. No need exists for one in this self-driving transportation contraption of the future. Via a rocket-like panoramic windscreen, Spooner passively surveys other self-driving …

Cognitive Automation Takes Over Healthcare for Improved CXs: Explore its Impact

If you’ve ever had the unfortunate experience of being hospitalized, you know the frenzy that makes up a nurse’s workday. As patients’ call bells ring from every direction, family and friends wait impatiently to hear of loved ones’ health changes. In the background, insurance providers demand details on patient treatments, conditions, and admission and discharge …

Create Top-Down Buy-In for Your Next Technology Initiative: A WorkFusion RPA Case-Study

Africa’s Standard Bank has powered the continent’s economic growth for over 150 years. As new generations have taken the economic reigns, and their over ten million customers fundamentally changed via a digital transformation, they had to learn to respond in real-time, 24/7, and with uncanny relevance, accuracy, and cost efficiency. When they implemented Robotic Process …