Emerging Technologies Pave the Way for Profitable Journalism Through Personalization

In the mind of Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s mission is only 1 percent done. What started as a student platform in 2003 soon became a cutting-edge emerging platform in 2006. Today, made possible by highly-personal data collection, highly-personalized Facebook news feeds capture the hearts of content consumers — rendering news providers old school — via not just the adoption of futuristic …

AI, ML, and the IoT Mean Hollywood Is Losing the Race for Futuristic Auto-Experience Accolades

It’s the year 2035. Detective Del Spooner auto-cruises through a futuristic tunnel in his spherical, mid-engine sports coupé. Comfortably lounging in his cockpit-like front passenger seat, no steering wheel can be found. No need exists for one in this self-driving transportation contraption of the future. Via a rocket-like panoramic windscreen, Spooner passively surveys other self-driving …

Despite FinTech, Financial Services Still Need Some Humans: How to Safeguard Your Job

In 2008, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney entered the political rings to compete for the US presidency. One candidate had a competitive edge. His Silicon Valley supporter, Steve Spinner, created a novel fundraising approach: mine social media for contacts most likely to give, then ask them to fundraise among like-minded contacts. By pinpointing one high-potential …